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Summer School & Credit Recovery Information

There are several different options for students wishing to take classes over the summer. If you are taking a course for initial credit this summer, make sure you complete the Online Course Registration Form in your CTLS Homeroom before registering for the online class. Please email your school counselor with questions.

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Cobb Virtual Academy (CVA)

- Initial credit or credit recovery

- Cost is $275 per .5 credit

- Asynchronous instruction

- Honors Spanish 3 is now offered through CVA

- Instruction begins week of May 30. Last day to submit course work is Thurs, July 7. Final exams are Sun, July 10 - Tues, July 12.

- Summer registration opens Wed, April 20 and closes Tues, May 24


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Georgia Virtual School (GAVS)

- Initial credit or credit recovery
- Cost is $250 per .5 credit
- Asynchronous instruction
- Students may take a course with GAVS if it is not offered by CVA
- Instruction begins Mon, June 6. Final exams week of July 9.
- Summer registration opens Tues, March 15

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Cobb County School District High School Summer Credit Recovery Program

- Credit recovery only (when a student has not successfully passed the same initial course to satisfy graduation requirements)

- Free!

- Face-to-face instruction at Pope High School

- Online registration is from Tues, May 3 - Tues, May 24 

- Courses begin Tues, June 14 and end Thurs, June 30

- Click here for registration directions


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